11 May 2021

Magazine Gold and Larry Nichter Join Forces to Create a Game-Changing Loyalty and Promotional Platform

Magazine Gold, the leading source of top US print magazine subscriptions for use in loyalty, reward, and promotional programs, has joined forces with Larry Nichter, digital incentive expert, to redefine how magazines can increase customer engagement and provide year-long benefits. Magazine Gold is now even better positioned to help smart marketers over-achieve their objectives with …

Magazine Gold and Larry Nichter Join Forces to Create a Game-Changing Loyalty and Promotional Platform Read More »

CEO Soap Box: The Launch of the Healthy Minds Club Gift Card – Preventing Mental Health Issues in the Workplace with Kathy Heath

There is a huge gap in the corporate space in terms of understanding how we should engage and empower employees to take care of their own mental health and wellbeing to prevent issues from occurring.  Our founder, Hadie, has the pleasure in meeting Kathy Heath, Founder and Director of Healthy Minds Club, a brand new positive …

CEO Soap Box: The Launch of the Healthy Minds Club Gift Card – Preventing Mental Health Issues in the Workplace with Kathy Heath Read More »