How to Boost Gift Card Sales in Store – by Flora Leoni

By Flora Leoni

Gift Cards are a widespread instrument that every retailer use to boost sales, increase loyalty and create brand awareness. Creating a Gift Card Program is now pretty easy thanks to the development of technology and to the large choice of materials and format available on the market.

Consumers love them, whether for self use of for gifting, and the consumption is growing year by year. However there is a lot to do for improving in store visibility and bring sales to the next level.

In my experience I’ve learned how execution is crucial for the success of the category, together with marketing and communication activities. Third party Gift Cards, retailers Gift Cards, both products need to be approached with a clear vision on what have to be done to take out the most.

Here are some tips I’d like to share to market your Gift Cards in a fast and effective way.


Nobody will buy a product that is not displayed clearly in a store. To make sure customers will notice the Gift Cards, display them at the checkout. Choose a simple and impressive display where you can show the entire gamma of Gift Cards, so consumers can appreciate the choice. Be distinctive and try to create an harmonious display considering colours, messages and Gift Card formats.

Another option could be creating a special display inside the store dedicated to Gift Cards. If your shop is small, you probably don’t need it, but if you’re running a big shop, I’m thinking about a supermarket or a superstore, the idea of having a Gift Card mall inside the store should be considered, in order to benefit from a larger assortment.


Some restraints to the development of Gift Cards sales are due to the fact the staff are not prepared for the tool. They are not able to explain how to use it or other details like expiration date, refund policies and other. They don’t even propose Gift Cards to customers, and they do not pay attention to the correct maintenance of the Gift Card mall or the display in general.

Bring them on board: give training, organize contest, use Gift Cards as staff giveaway. They will appreciate and they will become your best ambassador.


Finding Gift Cards in the most unexpected place could stimulate impulse purchase. Have you ever thought about displaying Netflix Gift Cards next to beers or chips?  There can be more examples like that, just use your fantasy and the results can be really impressive.


Display is important but it’s not a stand-alone strategy. If your brand is strong and well recognized it’s probably enough to work on your brand identity, emphasizing the logo and the corporate identity colours.

But if you’re not, you should evaluate to work on something meaningful for the consumers: you should tell your own story, suggest way of using, work on a catching massage, add digital experiences and more.


Don’t forget to speak out loud you are selling Gift Cards: website, app,  POPs materials, every touch point can be used to spread the message. Invest part of your marketing budget to plan marketing activities, it will pay back.


Digital can be the real disruptive tool to boost the sales in store. I’m thinking about digital totems, to create a virtual shelves or to give more information about the tool, or again to add services like physical or digital delivery.

Any comments or ideas? Let share them with me and the community. I’m sure it will be a fruitful discussion.

