Just as we check the nutritional content of our food to stay healthy, many of us are becoming increasingly concerned that our choices in Business, are healthy for our planet, too.
At Burgopak, we speak to companies globally about what they want to achieve with their gift card packaging, and ensuring their programs are eco-friendly is a top priority for many. Striking a balance between an eco-friendly proposition, customer experience and a higher perceived value can be tricky, but here is our recommendation to hit that eco-sweet spot.
Material Selection
Selecting sustainable materials and recyclable print specs, can have a big impact on your imprint. We work with many high quality FSC boards and particularly love working with materials from Holmen Iggesund. The story from tree to mill is empowering and they also offer a free ‘plant a tree’ service, whether you buy their board or not – inspiring! We also have an amazing team of structural designers at Burgopak who strive to reduce overall material usage and optimise production to support your eco-efforts.
Extended Lifespan
A great way to extend your brand whilst being an Earth Hero, is to design packaging that takes on another life. That might present as a call to action to share the opening experience on social media, or like one of our designs, which converts from packaging to picture frame (The Burgopak Photopak), extend the lifespan of your packaging through innovative design. Repurposing and repeat use, can give your brand repeat exposure, building your imprint in customers’ minds while most importantly, giving extra life to the materials used.
Customer Engagement
Finally, by telling an environmental story through packaging, you can create an effective and emotional connection that empowers the end customer. In our designs we often encourage brands to build in a step-by-step journey through taking the packaging apart. From perforations to clever and playful artwork, this can give customers a valuable insight into the workings of the pack and increase the likelihood of recycling. Not only does this offer fun interaction between brand, product and customer, but by creating that action point, the brand also invites the customer to have personal involvement in the environmental conversation, helping to complete the narrative that many of us want to tell.