Member Podcast: Why a loyalty program does not fix a business problem

An interview with Dave Allen, Group Commercial Director at Epsilon

Epsilon has been a market leader for over 50 years in the Loyalty and CRM space for both technology, and also for strategy and professional services.

Listen in: Dave is celebrating his 9th year at Epsilon and is obsessed with finding ways to help brands understand their customers better and have more productive relationships. Hadie asked him how brands can avoid making the mistake, believing that loyalty programs can fix a business problem and it seems quite straightforward!

“Look at your customer through the lens of a personal one”

“Timing is important. It needs to feel earned”

They discussed when brands should be looking at loyalty and it seems simple!  

“When they are ready as a business and when they can show that their customers matter by thinking about them as a person.”

“When they have a clear proposition and a value exchange that already exists for them to build on and deepen that emotional connection”

Contact Dave at to discuss how to really provide value to your customer’s loyalty.