Our 5 Tips To Help You Hire Digital and Tech People Remotely

By Jamie Norrington, Founder of Tech94

The topic of remote working is contentious to say the least. The argument for or against it will go on for many years to come, but whilst this argument continues, companies that are hiring remotely are pushing on with their recruitment.

Hiring remotely does obviously come with its challenges. Yes, it may widen your candidate pool, however, ensuring you are ready to hire and onboard someone remotely has challenged many business owners, hiring managers and people teams. So with this in mind, we have put together our 5 tips on how to successfully hire remotely.

Refine Your Process Time

No matter whether you are hiring someone for in-office, hybrid or fully remote the emphasis on a refined process should remain. With such high levels of vacancies for candidates to choose from, having an effective and streamlined process is one of the best ways to keep candidates engaged.

Communication forms part of our 5 tips, and is vital during the interview process.

Be Clear On What You Want

As with above it is key to know exactly what you want from someone who is joining the team. Remote workers are no different, and the requirements may be different not so much from a skill perspective, but personality standpoint.

Self-starters tend to be one we see most often, as companies feel this is a key attribute when looking for a remote worker and they are right. However, we would always advise hiring managers to strongly consider what they are looking for from both skills and personal, and be 100% sure before they go to market with their requirements.

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

The key to successful remote working hires is communication, be that throughout the interview process, onboarding and beyond. Giving timely feedback on an interview, booking the next stages and sending out contracts are just some of the early stages where communication can really affect the success of a remote hire.

Have A Great Onboarding Process

The onboarding process for remote hires is without a doubt more difficult than in-office or even hybrid employees. If the option is there, always try to onboard people in-person. This is a great way to start to build that connection and relationship.

If this is not possible, then ensure your onboarding process is seamless. Send out new starters equipment well in advance, ensure there is a point of contact if they need support and have as much structure in place as possible.

Regular Check-Ins

Remote working has most definitely brought about many challenges, some of which we have addressed above. One that is tougher to address however, is making new employees feel part of the team and culture when they are not amongst the team on a daily or even regular basis.

This is where regular check-ins do come in.

Check-ins can be with their line manager, people/HR team or even just a virtual coffee with others in the team. Making new starters feel integrated and part of the team will ensure people stay, and really value the team ethos your business has.

Thinking About Hiring Remotely? Get in contact with us

There we have it, our top 5 tips for hiring remotely! Remote working has opened up so many more opportunities for companies and candidates to find roles/people that really fit. As well as for candidates to work in locations they would never have the opportunity to work in before. However, as with all recruitment, preparation for these hires is key. And ensuring your internal processes are able to cope with the new demand.

Contact info@the-gift-club.com for help hiring your tech team.

