Working in the packaging sector, the sustainability movement is impossible to ignore, but it can also seem like a mountain to climb when you’re getting started. At Burgopak we carefully select our partners and materials to provide clients with better and more informed choices.

With certified options we can track our paperboard from forest to final product and encourage packaging design that supports recyclability. We’re here to help you find the right solution for you, and we’re on the journey with you, to better our supply chain and our services as we move towards a brighter, greener future.
By Alethea Price, Marketing and PR Manager, Burgopak Packaging
Eagle Eye
Eagle Eye believes in saving the planet and uses environmentally sustainable products and providers wherever possible.
Our platforms are hosted on the Google Cloud Platform, Google have been carbon neutral since 2007 and aim to be carbon free by 2030 – please see their commitments here
Our Platform helps our clients reduce the use of paper via our digital solution.
Eagle Eye promotes sustainable commuting by providing bike loans via the Cycle to work scheme and providing electric cars via the Government salary sacrifice electric car scheme for our employees. We actively encourage the reduction of unnecessary travel via the use of technology and video conferencing.

We operate in accordance with all national and local environmental laws, standards, regulations, administrative practises and policies in the countries in which we operate. We expect all our suppliers and partners to also operate in the same way and to formally agree they have an active environmental policy in place.
Healthy Minds Club
Action on climate change is important from more than just an economic standpoint. At Healthy Minds Club, we believe that action on climate change should be everyone’s responsibility, and we want to take the opportunity to work for a collective wellbeing. We have taken action and incorporated specific elements and sustainable practices to support our strategy to contribute positively to slow down climate change. We are committed to embed these actions, and propositions, in our day-to-day operation tasks. We are aware that many companies are gearing up to change their operational models to reduce their carbon footprint, and we want to be part of the change!

Here are some elements that we have incorporated in our strategy to reduce our carbon footprint and, through our proposition, help others to work on this direction as well:
- We offer eGift Cards – we are a company that is fully virtual, no physical card issuing. Less plastic – less waste.
- With our Experts & Gift Card holders – we are transforming the positive mental health movement by removing geography & travel from the equation to bring great experts and gift card holders together virtually saving on carbon footprint with no need to travel by train/car.
- Our Category Expert offer: many of our expert categories help empower people to be more day to day conscious of their carbon footprint. They guide and help customers to improve their eating, and day to day habits ie Nutritionists, Health coach.
- We are a virtual team operating out of various countries (and continents) and we avoid travel, hence contributing to our personal carbon footprint!
- We are a recycle focused team! We all brag about how we all incorporate recycling practices at home!
And we would like to encourage everyone to be conscious about their carbon footprint and reflect and take even small actions so we can all promote better practices and habits for a better future!
We at offerz GmbH are proud to set a good example:
In our daily work, we do without paper and printer cartridges. To keep track of all upcoming projects, we use tools such as Trello. As with old-fashioned, physical file folders, an orderly system is imperative when it comes to electronic data backup! Because we work in home offices at offerz, we also don’t cause any CO2 emissions on the way to work.
But we are particularly proud of this: as a “digital-only” provider, we do without around three tonnes of CO2 ‼ every year, which would otherwise reach our customers in the form of gift cards. The saved value corresponds to the annual CO2 footprint of an average Swiss person.

Our only physical product is the offerz voucher for business customers, which can be ordered in this form on request. However, the production of these vouchers is also climate-neutral.
We are aware that as the number of employees increases, so does the difficulty of minimising the impact of our daily work on the environment. Nevertheless, we strive to continue to care for our earth in the future as we already do today.