Out of the childhood bedroom and into the big wide world!

“You can’t cross the ocean if you don’t have
the courage to lose sight of the coast”

This quote comes from Christopher Columbus and describes the history of offerz very accurately.

About 8 years ago, in a small village in Switzerland, Dominik Megert, Founder and current CEO of offerz GmbH, had the idea to facilitate access to online credit for gamers. He bought gift cards from various providers and offered them for resale on his platform “offerz Gameshop”. His platform was an ideal side income whilst he completed his apprenticeship. Over the years, offerz became more and more well-known and the demand for products from outside the gaming industry reached him almost daily. That’s when he came up with the idea of winning over a wide variety of providers and creating a diverse platform for digital credit.

In doing so, he always acted according to the following principles:

  • If you achieve all your goals, you have set them too low
  • Fight for what is worth fighting for
  • It’s always too early to give up

Today, these principles are still an integral part of his everyday business. Thanks to his great perseverance, new providers from a wide range of sectors joined the company and suddenly offerz was a platform for everyone. That’s why the word “gameshop” was also dropped from the brand name. It should be noted that Dominik did all the work alone, even at a time when around 200 orders came in every day. He tirelessly conquered the Swiss market, during which he was employed full time and completed additional training. The time came when Dominik had the courage to lose sight of the aforementioned coast and put all his eggs in one basket. He wanted to cross the “ocean”. He made working at offerz his main job and now devoted all his attention to the promising start-up.

“Nothing in the world is as powerful as an idea
whose time has come.

Victor Hugo, a French writer, was right in his statement. In 2020, the world was paralysed and Switzerland was in the middle of a lockdown. In the shops, it was only allowed to sell goods for daily use. Gift cards were not among them. So many people sought access to gift cards and digital credit online. The fact that gift cards could also be given away digitally at offerz increased the demand even more. No one was allowed to visit family or meet friends and social life generally took place digitally. Offerz thus became a notable player in the market for digital gift cards and credit and from then on belonged to one of the largest providers in Switzerland.

The following points, which set offerz apart from its competitors, certainly also had a major influence on this:

  • With the service of offerz you save time & money
  • The credit codes are delivered within seconds
  • Each gift card can be personalised
  • Customer support is available every day of the week

This was another reason why it was time to consider the surrounding countries. Dominik decided on Germany and Austria and tried to gain market share there. At the same time, a complete redesign of the website and logo followed to make offerz even more user-friendly and appealing to customers.

“Who always does what he already can, always
remains what he already is.

Dominik took Henry Ford’s statement to heart. In order to promote the gift card function in particular, Dominik developed the “offerz voucher”. With the “offerz voucher”, the recipient can choose for which provider he or she would like to redeem it. Nowadays, they can choose from over 100 different suppliers from all kinds of industries. The “offerz voucher” is therefore the perfect gift for friends and family, but also for employees and all kinds of people you want to reward for something.

At the beginning of the last quarter of this year, Dominik reached another milestone. In order to promote offerz, he hired a full-time Digital Marketing Manager. That marketing manager is called Michel, he wrote this text and hopes to have brought you closer to the beautiful story of offerz.

Cheers! 😊


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