The Loyalty Trends 2021/2022 report was created for marketers who want to understand common trends in the field of loyalty marketing and use that knowledge to optimize their strategy for winning and retaining customers.
The report is especially relevant for experts focused on customer loyalty marketing and loyalty programs of any kind. The research is based on the insights from 112 interviews with high-profile loyalty professionals from various locations and industries.

The report answers some pertinent questions:
* What goals and challenges do loyalty professionals see?
* What are the most significant trends in loyalty marketing in the long and short term?
* What are the most common areas for investments?
* What are the predictions for the future of loyalty programs?
The first part of the report refers to the results of the survey and shows how trends have changed +/- compared to last year.
The second part contains commentary from numerous experts on existing challenges and predictions for the loyalty industry.
Link to the report –
Link to Open Loyalty –