Every month, The Gift Club thanks one loyal subscriber with a gift card, in partnership with GoGift, the one stop-shop global gift card provider. In March, our prize draw winner was Alex Richman, from ARL Consulting and Executive Director at Nagano Rewards.
However, Alex wanted to help those in Ukraine and requested that his £50 Amazon gift card be forwarded to those in more need of it than him.
Relaying this request to GoGift, they promptly stepped up and tripled the value to £200
The GIft Club then proceeded to purchase £200 worth of nappies, nappy cream, toothbrushes and shampoo via the Amazon Save The Children in Ukraine Appeal.

Alex said “I’m so happy that these funds were put to an excellent cause and that GoGift increased the gift to help those in need in Ukraine. I hope this encourages more people to think about donating to those in need in Ukraine.”
“It sure is a great initiative and gesture by the March newsletter winner, Alex Richman, to donate the value of his gift card to Ukraine. It was obvious for us at GoGift to follow lead and increase the donation in such a case. We’re happy to be able to support and contribute during a crisis like this” Henrik Ravn, CEO, GoGift
“We are absolutely thrilled to be working with such generous people and companies in this industry. When we can only sit back and watch this crisis unfold, it shows how our simple loyalty programme, sponsored by GoGift, can be so effective and hopefully make disrupted lives much easier.” Hadie, Founder, The Gift Club