AA Smartfuel has been ranked New Zealand’s number one loyalty programme, ahead of Countdown Oncecard, Fly Buys and Air New Zealand’s Airpoints.
The ranking is produced by the 2021 For Love or MoneyTM consumer research study which surveyed 1000 New Zealanders in the first quarter of 2021 about their attitudes towards loyalty programmes. Commissioned by customer loyalty consultancy The Point of Loyalty, this is the 2nd New Zealand For Love or MoneyTM research study. The first was conducted in 2019.
Chief executive of The Point of Loyalty Adam Posner says: “It’s interesting to see how loyalty programme popularity has changed in New Zealand since the first study in 2019. Programmes appear to be winning the hearts of the nation” Posner says New Zealand’s loyalty programmes are improving. “The report shows that loyalty programmes are improving with 67% of members saying programmes have improved in recent years, specifically in the earn rate of rewards and their use of technology, with 42% of members indicating programmes have improved in this area.”
Kiwis love loyalty programmes:
New Zealand consumers over the age of 18 are enrolled in an average of 4.8 programmes (in 2019 the average was 4.7).
Gen Z love programmes even more:
Younger consumers under the age of 24 (Gen Z)are, on average, enrolled in 5.4 programmes in 2021 (up from 4.9 in 2019). Some 14% of Gen Z are enrolled in 10 or more programmes.
Concern about data security is increasing:
Knowing how secure their data is has increased significantly, from 65% in 2019 to 70% in 2021 of members indicating this as one of their top three considerations. “This is a call-out to loyalty programme managers to keep reassuring members how secure their data is” Posner says.
Programmes are improving:
The report reveals loyalty programmes are improving with 67% of members in 2021 indicating programmes have improved in recent years. The top three areas of improvement have been in the achievability of rewards, simplicity of interacting with a programmes and enhanced use of technology such as mobile apps and mobile payments.
What’s working well:
The research identifies some of the programme structure elements preferred by members include partner offers, earning rewards instantly and earning rewards for referrals. “Keeping programmes fresh and out of the sea of sameness is a challenge and the research continues to share new ways for programmes to stay relevant and a step ahead,” Posner says
2021 ranking of New Zealand loyalty programs most mentioned unprompted by members, as ‘doing a very good job’
While AA Smartfuel remains at number one ranking in 2021, there has been a decline since 2019 in members voting the programme as ‘doing a very good job’. Fly Buys has improved in members voting the program as ‘doing a very good job’ since 2019 (11.1% in 2019 to 12.3% in 2021) however, Countdown Onecard jumped to second in the ranking with an increase in members voting the programme as ‘doing a very good job’ from 10.6% in 2019 to 14% in 2021.
Download the full summary.
Further Information:
A complimentary Executive Summary of the full report is available at www.thepointofloyalty.com.au with a comprehensive report available for purchase at www.thepointofloyalty.com.au
Gen Z love programmes even more:
Adam Posner: CEO, The Point of Loyalty
+61 433 818190
About the research:
The research was commissioned by The Point of Loyalty and conducted independently by First Point Research and Consulting in the first quarter of 2021 through a national online panel of 1,000 New Zealand consumers of men and women aged 18+ who are members of at least one loyalty programme. The research was structured to gain quantitative results with comparative analysis as well as qualitative insights.
About The Point of Loyalty:
The Point of Loyalty is a strategic customer loyalty consultancy dedicated to driving business growth from existing customers through best-in-class loyalty and rewards programmes. CEO Adam Posner is a customer loyalty strategist and has been involved in the design, development and deployment of customer loyalty and rewards programmes across industries including entertainment, pharmacy, hotels and accommodation, trade (b2b), education, hospitality and retail (various).