Out Now The Global Culture Report 2

With so many businesses worldwide affected by Covid-19 this year, our report provides vital empirical research, insightful thinking, and guidance about the most critical actions organisations must take over the next year to be successful in a challenging new decade.

In addition to covering a year in crisis, and what key learnings we might take away from this year, the study also delves into other essential topics for organisations across the globe, including the impact of technology at work, employee recognition, diversity and inclusion, leadership and statistics on incorporating a new generation into the workplace.

Amongst the findings are some stark realities that illustrate the need for attention and innovation. For example, eighty-eight percent of employees say their organisation’s recognition program is stale, outdated, or used as disguised compensation, while only 42% of employees say their organisation’s diversity and inclusion efforts feel sincere, and even fewer (24%) feel they are effective.

While the next decade will be challenging, we are hopeful that organisations can seize the opportunity to make an immediate impact on their workplace culture and employee experience, for the benefit of the business and the people working within it.

Download your copy of the Global Culture Report 2021 here

