Hiring Your Tech Team in a Skills Short Market – 4 tips for success

Data across a range of sectors shows that employers are currently hiring in candidate short markets, and this could not be more true of the tech world. Remote working has made the tech job market more competitive, whilst rising salaries is also creating somewhat of a bidding war between employers.

With this in mind, at Tech 94 we have put together our 4 tips for those looking to hire in a skills short market, and what this can mean for their success when looking to add top talent into their company.

Understand Your Candidates

The truth is that what candidates want, how they think, and how they interview has changed dramatically over the past few years. And some employers, not all, have had a tough time being able to adapt to these changes for candidate attraction.

This is where understanding your candidates is key.

Get inside their minds for one of a better term, understand their motivations, what is going to appeal to them (not free breakfast on a Friday or a ping-pong table) and really understand what it is that makes them tick. Doing this will allow you to adapt your process and ensure you attract exactly who you need.

Create An Amazing Interview/Onboarding Process

The interview and onboarding process can be make or break for candidates. A poor interview process that is drawn out, and also not appealing will instantly lose you talent. And equally, if you are able to secure people, not onboarding people in the right way will definitely create a churn in and out of the business.

Our suggestion, go with efficiency. Create an easy-to-follow process that is informative, enticing, and really engages people. An interview is a two-way process, invite candidates to interview you for half a session. And when onboarding, ensure they are engaged and not just doing endless hours of handbook reading or new joining paperwork.

Be Sure on Your Culture & Employer Branding

Culture is one of the key elements to a candidate accepting a new role. They want to know where they work is inclusive, supportive, development focused, and has a great vision internally. If you are not selling this culture, and showing it for real in the interview process then you are missing a trick.

When it comes to employer branding, having a name in the tech marketplace takes time to develop but it should not be overlooked. Telling the world who you are, and what tech stack you work in and showing success stories are great starting points.

Both of these elements combined will attract candidates.

Be Flexible

Being flexible can mean a lot of different things in recruitment, but in this case we are referring to the skills that you require. In such a skill short market, finding someone who ticks every box on your job spec is going to be tough.

When interviewing think longer term, and consider what they could become. Many talented people are discounted from processes due to them not hitting every marker, which is why employers struggle to hire.

If you are able to develop people (and in this market that is vital for hiring), then look beyond their CV and ensure you consider the other factors.

Contact info@the-gift-club.com for help hiring your tech team.

