Where’s the Loyalty in the Hiring Ecosystem? Here are my top tips for candidates, recruiters and hiring companies to work in recruitment harmony!

By Hadie Perkas, Founder of The Gift Club


When I hear that times are “good for recruitment businesses” it makes me cringe.

Because for me, it isn’t. And I run a recruitment business alongside The Gift Club.

Yes, there are many vacancies right now (1.3m to be precise) which may mean many people are on the market but this brings problems for all involved.

There is a lack of loyalty from all parties for one, so I thought I’d explain why I think this. Here are my musings….(don’t judge me!)

One…. The same candidate is applying for lots of jobs and is interviewing everywhere

What a waste of time and how very disloyal! This has always been an issue for me hence why my recruitment model is very focused on fit, not numbers. Surely someone only “fits” one or two types of jobs / companies / cultures? So what’s the result of a candidate hopping on and off the vacancy bus?

I think that a candidate who is going through an interview process with more than three companies hasn’t decided what they want from their career and therefore could be volatile to the hiring firm. This may be controversial, but that’s my view!

What is more, the candidate will most likely accept an offer from one of these (because 1:3 ratio is likely to prevail) without proactively hunting down their absolute winner of an offer.

They’ve taken a job.
That’s all they have done.
Some people will get lucky.
Most will start this all over again in two year’s time.
Because they didn’t look for their career outside of what was publicly available.
What a mistake-to-maker!

The secret ” best jobs in the world” are often curled up inside the minds of the most forward thinking, engaging and innovative owners and CEOs that a simple cold email or message could unlock.

Two….. Contingency recruitment agencies have a much harder chance of making a fee

I can remember working environments in the 90s – when the agency was chosen by the hiring firm based on how quick the recruiter could fax the CV to the client before another agency steals their thunder with the same candidate. These days, there is still a similar race. A company may agree to be the sole agency but what they really want is the best candidate and cheaper digital resources to find talent is added firmly to the competition list…..What’s the result?

Mayhem and frustration for contingency recruiters!
Hiring teams all over the shop!
No commitment from the client or recruiter and lots of problems with stress and mental health at every angle.
Not good

Three….. The hiring company is using too many channels to find talent which becomes overwhelming.

It is inundated with applications internal teams can’t cope with. Candidates who have applied feel ignored. Yes, all of them. Even the ones who know full well they don’t have a hope in hell of a call back. But they still want to be loved. They are still interested in the brand.

What’s the result?
The company employer brand goes out the window.
ZOOM! Bye bye, out it goes!
Those candidates won’t be telling their friends about THAT lazy company that’s for sure.
Oh, and candidates will always gravitate towards a competitor who may offer a more engaging candidate experience. Money, time and an opportunity to glow as an employer of choice wasted, all due to a complicated process that has no parameters or discipline.

What’s the conclusion?

You have to agree. If you look at it all from this angle, it’s a recipe for disaster for candidate, recruiter and the hiring firm….the entire recruitment ecosystem is on the brink of collapse!

BUT it isn’t catastrophic of course. Because lots of vacancies are being filled with fantastic people and many recruiters have sussed it all out.

So it can all work brilliantly well if:


  • a strong (but not rigid) recruitment process if followed
  • candidates are looked after consistently (and in return they will remain loyal to the employer brand)
  • There is a good recruiter (internally or externally) who has everyone’s back


So my advice …..if you are a candidate:

  • Decide what the business that you want to work for looks like and keep that picture close by
  • Research BIG time, subscribe to newsletters, LinkedIn pages, follow their leaders
  • Write a social post about something brilliant you read about them and tag in the CEO
  • Update your own LinkedIn profile – critical!!!
  • Approach directly avoiding the application process entirely. This will save everyone’s time and puts you right at the front
  • Arm yourself with a CV that blows the rest out of the water

If you are a hiring firm:

  • Decide FIRMLY that you only want the best person who fits at least 80% of your requirements.
  • Stop chasing one of those horses with a horn (I can’t bring myself to write the word I dislike so much!)
  • Stop comparing candidates (you can only compare like for like which humans are not)
  • Think about and act upon your employer brand from the minute you conceive and then forever more
  • Interview only twice
  • Offer over and above what the candidate wants
  • Pay a good recruiter upfront to get them on your side. It is natural for contingency recruiters to share good candidates with other clients. This is how they are paid.  So avoid this completely by paying a retainer to one recruiter who will be 100% loyal.
  • Ask the good recruiter to manage the whole process (including the direct applications) and get your money’s worth!!

Get in touch with Hadie at Gift Card Recruitment for more recruitment musings, tips and advice. Or retain her as your trusty recruitment specialist Hadie@giftcardrecruitment.co.uk

